[BUG] C++ inheritance and Blueprints

I’ve been doing some refactoring today and ran into an interesting bug with regards to blueprints and C++.

I now have a base class with something like the following defined:

class AOCBase
    UFUNCTION( BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category=Example)
    void SetMaterial();

If I have a subclass that inherits from AOCBase then it too can use the SetMaterial event defined in AOCBase.

class AOCLevelOne : public AOCBase
    // Still have the blueprint event!

But if I subclass AOCLevelOne then suddenly I can’t see the event in the blueprint editor anymore.

class AOCLevelTwo : public AOCLevelOne
    // Doesn't have the blueprint event! :'(

The event can still be fired and still appears in the blueprints if it was already defined - but I can’t add it to anything at the AOCLevelTwo level anymore.

Hey Neil,

Thanks for your report! What version of the Beta are you using currently?



Beta 5 (the most current version).

Hey Neil,

We’ve looked over this issue and have not been able to reproduce it on our end for Beta5 or Beta6–are you able to reproduce this in a new project with no additional code beyond what you mention here?
