How do I create floating Spheres that when triggered move up slowly

Good Day Fellow Devs,
Currently iam working on a SciFi/Adventure game with Puzzles based on Physic problems .
For the first level i wanted to create a scene where the player can see the moving atoms, that are supposed to stay near still and only move if the player collides with them. The solution to the rooms puzzle is to get a lot of strong moving atoms on the ceiling roof the room - hot air. So the player needs heating the air so the atoms move up.
The atoms i made out of small bsp spheres nothing special switched physics on so player can bounce them around, that was pretty easy.
But now comes the tricky part for me , how can i make all the spheres move up slowely maitaining their physics when the player fires a specific blueprint.

Maintaining physics would be tough I think. Normally I would use a timeline and maybe lerp them or something depending on what I needed to do.

If you want pure physics, might be tough, but you could use this: Add Force at Location | Unreal Engine Documentation

If you’re maintaining physics you will need to apply constant force. Think about the real world, you want something to float in the air, you need to apply constant force equal to force pulling it back down. If you want it to move you need to apply more force.

Another thought, depending on the level of physics you need to maintain you could have an invisible platform under them and move the platform. As long as the platform has collision. Could get a little messy but might work depending on the look and feel you are going for.