Tortise SVN setup error: Error svn: E125006: contains invalid filesystem format option 'addressing logical'

Hey Everyone! I’m trying to setup svn to work with UE4 and I keep getting the same error.
Tortise SVN setup error: Error svn: E125006: contains invalid filesystem format option ‘addressing logical’
I have a committed working copy and followed the steps in the documentation. This is just local server setup.
Any help would be much appreciated!!!

Hi fluxist8070.

I also encountered a similar problem.
When you use the 1.9 of Subversion There is a problem with the format.
Details below.

Fisheye unable to recognize the SVN repository - U....

To work around this problem, use the Subversion 1.8.

I was able to connect to the source control of this in UE4.
It is I hope to become your help.

Thanks for this. I just went ahead and started using perforce. Cheers!

I encountered the same problem, and rolling back to Subversion 1.8 fixed it.