[4.10.1] OnlineExternalInterfaceSteam.cpp Error

showWebURL() will never return anything other than https:// sites.

bool FOnlineExternalUISteam::ShowWebURL(const FString& WebURL)
	if (!WebURL.StartsWith(TEXT("https://")))
		SteamFriends()->ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*FString::Printf(TEXT("https://%s"), *WebURL)));
	return true;

First if statement should not have the !

ActivateGameOverlayToWebPage() requires the full URL be specified including the protocol. Make sure your URL includes either https: or http: as the start of the URL.

Tested using the following strings, these were the results.

test: www.google.ca
return: https://www.google.ca/

test: http://www.google.ca
return: https://http://www.google.ca/

test: https://www.google.ca
return: https://www.google.ca

Ah, now I understand. That’s a bug for sure. Will get it assigned out.


I’ve placed a bug in for this issue under the number UE-24654. I’ll be sure to update you here when a fix has gone in or if we have any further questions.

Have a nice day!