Invalid G drive

I uninstalled months a couple back ago Unreal on a G drive. When I am trying to reinstall it an error message shows up that says “Invalid G drive” before the installation even begins. The problem is that I don’t have a G drive anymore. I have seen the answers of people having the same problem and they have fixed it with an utility. Unfortunely that program doesn’t work on Windows 10 so I don’t know that to do.

Hello backtoklondike,

I apologize for the delayed response. Did you uninstall the editor through Windows control panel, or did you simply delete the files? It sounds like there may be some residual files or registry entries that need to be removed. Please check your Programs Files and Program Files (x86) folders for directories associated with Epic. These could be either EpicGames or Unreal related. If you see these folders, remove them then try the install again.

Hi, I tried doing that but it didn’t work. When I checked the control panel, the launcher is there and I tried uninstalling it but the invalid G drive error message shows up there too so I can’t uninstall it.

Hello again!

Other users with corrupt installs have followed the steps here to remove the install. Please try the steps here then attempt to reinstall the launcher.

Tried it, it didn’t work.

Hello again!

Could you please follow the steps here to generate your launcher install logs? This may give me some additional insight into what’s happening.

I have trouble getting the log file. I wrote it like this : msiexec /i C:\EpicGamesLauncherInstaller-2.8.3-2819560.msi/L*V C:\EpicGamesInstallerLog.txt Did I write it wrong?

Hello again,

Once you move the installer msi to you root directory, the command should look like this:

msiexec /i c:\EpicGamesLauncherInstaller-2.8.3-2819560.msi /L*V C:\EpicGamesInstallerLog.txt

In order for this to work, the needs to be located in your C: root directory.

Hello backtoklondike,

We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please try the suggestion that I mentioned above then post back here with the requested info.

If you need anything else, feel free to ask.

Guys, I have found a solution for this problem.
So I downloaded this application called “Revo uninstaller” and selected Epic Games on the list. It deletes all the leftovers from the registries. After I finished deleting everything it let me install the launcher :slight_smile:
I hope it helps!

Hey, found another fix, using Revo unistaller instead of uninstalling you can

  1. Create a new folder in desired location
  2. In Revo uninstaller list>Right click Epic Games Launcher>Open Registry Key.
  3. R/click installlocation>Modify…
  4. Type in new location in value data

Richfozz, man … I love you so much!