Standard way to create interiors?


I have some trouble figuring out the industry-standard way to create interiors in UE4. As I’m not even working in a game-design school or whatever, I’m very unskilled, so I hope somebody is kind enough to give me a detailed explanation! :slight_smile:

I’ve got a few questions:

  1. When my level is completely indoors, do I model whole rooms in 3Ds Max for instance and put them into UE4? Or do I just model the floor, walls, ceiling et cetera seperately and position them in Editor?
  2. How can I make tilable models, whose textures tile seamlessly when copying the same model over and over again? Espicially, how do I do this if I want the same texture and same size on different sized models?
  3. If I wanted to create a big building with a few floors, which can also be seen from the outside, do I model the whole building with all it’s floors and rooms in a 3D program and then import it into UE4? If so, how do I work with the UVs? Merging individual objects in my 3D program will cause UVs to overlap - is it okay to just leave objects on their own and just import them in UE4?
  4. Do you know good tutorials about the questions above on Youtube or so? Text-based explanations are awesome, but seeing tips / tricks in action in video is way easier to understand!

Thank you very much for reading to this point! I hope this is something you can answer :slight_smile:


I’m a lead Programmer and not a level designer but i can link you a very useful resource, the Epic Games Tutorials!

Introduction to Level Creation | v4.7 | Unreal Engine - YouTube (Level creation) (ALL the tutorials, you can show more clicking on the show more button in the bottom of the page).

Im not a level designer either, but i’ll give you some ideas on this.

1 Thats what im planning to do. If you have a chair (for example) created in a 3d program, made from lets say 20 pieces and everything is painted (materials/textures), you can export it entirely and even tho when importing it gives you every piece separate, you can drag and drop all of them and they will keep their original position (as it was in the 3d program). After that you can resize it, move it (with all of the parts selected). This might cause some problems if you move something by mistake or stuff like that (as it will take you longer to position it again in the right angle).

2 No idea, sry.

3 As i said in point 1, you DONT need to have one big 3d object, you can have 100 positioned as you’d like and import them as they will keep their position. The designer im working with is always using uv unwrap. Messed up UV’s give a pretty big headache (texture problems all over).

4 The above post should help you out on this, i wish you good luck.