Set View Target Blend not working right

I’ve been using Set View Target Blend to pop between cameras, and well I can get a nice, smooth transition from the Player Camera to my proxy’s camera (separate actor with a camera tied to it), I can’t get that same smooth blend back to the player’s camera. It always just pops back to the player camera.

I’ve been using this to make a nice, simple smoother camera sweep from overhead to 3rd person, as a background for my menus (the camera spins around the player during menus). It’s very slick and cool looking, but that pop back to the player’s camera is rough. I can’t see how I’m using it wrong, so I think it’s just a bug…

Hi ,

  • Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
  • What steps can I take to reproduce this on my end?
  • How are you determining which camera view to use and when?

I don’t have a new project, but if you’ll look over the picture above you can see how I’m doing this. I have a simple actor I spawn, which contains a camera on a spring arm with Rotation movement. It’s called “View Spinner”. You can see how I switch between the two, as well as the events that trigger them. It’s all shown in the picture. Can you see the picture? Should I reupload it?

Can you show me specifically where you are calling the function to exit the menu? I don’t see anything in the image that could be affecting the smoothing, however seeing more of what is actually calling the event may help to determine what could be causing the error. Additionally, have you tried any of the other enum selections outside of VTBlendLinear to see if it gives you the smoothing you are looking for?

I figured out the problem. I was deleting the actor I was using for the camera too soon. A simple delay fixed it. Thanks for your time.

Hi ,

I’m happy to hear you were able to find a solution to the error you were seeing. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes.