Editor's Snap Actor to View ignores Undo


I accidentally found out that in the Editor the Snap Actor to View command ignores Undo/Redo commands. I can only assume this is an oversight and didn’t see it mentioned in a brief search on the topic. :heart:

Hi czin644,

Just to clarify, are you talking about one of these to options:

If so, could you provide steps to reproduce the issue?



Hi czin644,

Since we have not heard back from you in a few days, I am closing this post for tracking purposes. However, if you are continuing to experience a problem with the undo command not functioning when using the editor’s Snap Actor to View feature, please respond with the requested information and we will continue to investigate. As it stands, I was not able to reproduce the issue with the highlighted selections pictured above, so if there is another option that specifically allows you to Snap Actor (not Object) to View, please provide detail repro steps on how to access this feature.


Hey , I’ve also encountered this.

For background, I’m very new to UE4 and am simply messing around by playing with Epic’s “Memory Game” sample project.

To replicate, I simply click on an object, such as BP_MenuMen1 and select “Snap Object to View”. This causes the object to move, but it isn’t possible to undo the action.

Hi quicksnap,

Thanks for the repro steps -I’ve entered the following bug report: [UE-28241] When this has been resolved, we will notify you with an update to this post.


This issue has been verified fixed for UE4.12. Let us know if you are still encountering this problem in this version of the engine or later.