Camera String component vibrates on Pitch rotation

So I’m working on a camera system but I’m still learning, here I decided not to use the pawn’s control rotation and instead rotate the camera string component (attached to the rootComponent) manually, the problem comes when I turn my character around ( AddControllerYawInput(value); ) and then running that little piece of code I shared below.

The camera string component rotates but also vibrates. Link to a video of the behaviour.


Looks like what happened to me when I had temporal anti-aliasing turned on in the PP. This is the default afaik.

I’m sorry but what do you mean by PP? I’m trying to find it to check it out.
Edit: If you mean the Engine->Rendering->PostProcess settings I already changed it to FXAA or None and it’s not that :frowning:

Post process. I’m not sure how you change the default settings (I’ve never really played with it,) but you can add a post process volume to the level, make it ‘unbound’ and turn off anti-aliasing. Or at least temporal.

I tried the post process volume as you said but didn’t work, I’ll continue with more important stuff and come back later on this bug, thanks for the help!