Create variables and functions in c++ for use thaths in c++

How to create a variables and functions for blueprints in c++ like thats in multiplayer chat system on youtube videos

There few specifiers that makes C++ stuff abiable in blueprints


BlueprintCallable - turns function in to node for blueprint

BlueprintPure - same as above but pure node, without exec pins, it will call function when needed, function should not set anything.

BlueprintImplementableEvent - turns function in to blueprint event, if you call this function in C++ it will call event in blueprint. But this function wont be overrideable in C++, or else you useā€¦

BlueprintNativeEvent - same as above but let you override function in C++ (use event in C++), but you need to override function with _Implementation surrfix


EditAnywhere - makes varable visible in Defaults and Details tab

BlueprintReadWrite - makes varable accessable and settable in blueprint

BlueprintReadOnly - same as above but only allows to get varable not set