[Solved] Trigger box not detecting overlapping actor spawned in it, but detects it when it is moved in manually

Hello everyone.
I have a problem with a level BP. I have a Trigger Box (named CarpetHintPlace in the screenshot), in which I spawn a movable object (Carpet Hint movable). I need the trigger box to detect whether the movable object (which is a Static Mesh blueprint) is inside the box or not. The BP works fine, but not at the time of the spawn. When I spawn the object, the Trigger Box won’t detect the overlapping condition until I take the object outside of the collision box and inside it again. The condition check is run on a tick.



The problem is not on the variables or the types, as Generate Overlapping Events is on, and in all other conditions the logic works. Why does it behave this way, and how can I fix it? Can you help me?
Thank you!

Ive replicated your setup to some degree but i do not have any problems detecting the overlapping actors even when they spawn in directly overlapping.

What are your Collision Preset settings on the Trigger Volume?

Also just to be clear, your spawning this actor at runtime and not placing it in the level already overlapping the trigger volume?

Hi, sorry for not having answered before.

The collision presets are the default Trigger ones, with the only exception of the Object Type, which I had set as “WorldStatic”.

To be clear, I already have an actor overlapping the trigger volume in the level, which then gets destroyed and the new actor is spawned at runtime on its location.

Ok, nevermind, I found the solution. The object I placed didn’t inherit an “Enable collision” as it should had. My (silly) mistake. Thank you DevilsD for the help =)

Can you please mark either my original Answer as correct or yours so that this ticket can close.

It keeps the AH clear of already solved questions.

Thank you.