Why am I not able to compile my code project?

Hello! I have been having some problems with the launcher. I can’t create any c++ code based projects, because UE tells me I am missing a game module and that I should make sure that the project is compiled. What does this mean and how can I compile my project without being able to open it? Does anyone know a fix? Opening games from the market place or creating projects which are empty or blueprint based works fine. Creating a new script also works. Thank you in advance!

You have to go to the project folder, open the solution via visual studio, and compile it. If it doesn’t work after that. In your project folder, rightclick the unreal engine project, and click “Generate visual studio project files” after it generates them, open the solution again and compile it. After that everything should work.

I have a question - do I need to use the github source code to use C++? Because I am just doing this now.

No, you don’t. Just open the solution created by the editor. It’s located in:
\Documents\Unreal Projects\ProjectName\ProjectName.sln
and the unreal project file is next to it.

Ahhh I think things finally worked. Thank you very much!

Uhm…I just ran into a small problem. When I attempt to build it, I get the following error:

“error MSB3073: The command ““R:\MyCompany\Unreal Engine\4.1\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat” MyGameEditor Win64 DebugGame “C:\Users\ Philippe\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyGame\MyGame.uproject” -rocket” exited with code 9009.” Do you know what went wrong?

Sorry, no. Did you generate project files?

I did and I got everything to work perfectly. Thank you very much!