How can I attach a post effects volume to an actor?

I want to blend in the effects of a post volume the closer that the player gets to a moveable actor. The problem is that post volumes (being volumes) appear to be completely static.

Do I have to blend in the effects on the player’s camera by hand? This seems very inefficient and counterintuitive. If there’s a way to have the post effects volume move with the actor then it would be far easier.

What you could do is add the actor, then add and position the Post Process Volume, then Left click and drag the Post Process Volume in the Scene Outliner and middle mouse to scroll the list, hover mouse over the Actor in the list, and release left mouse button to drop it so the Actor will now move the volume. So the Actor becomes the Parent and the Post Process Volume becomes the Child.


Ah so it is possible to parent them. What I need though is a way to instantiate and parent these volumes from code (preferably Blueprint), since the game takes place in a procedurally generated world.

Edit: I just realized that that requirement wasn’t in my original question, so you deserve the answer credit. If anyone knows how to do this through code though please chime in!

Edit 2: My larger question got answered here; Blueprints which include volumes are an upcoming feature!