Destructible Mesh Odd Behavior

I have an actor that is currently set to despawn and spawn a destructible mesh actor on any impact. The destructible mesh actor spawns but the will sometimes not explode or explode very strangely.

Video showing multiple examples:

I have remade the destructible mesh several times and had the same results.

If I place it in a level with gravity and it hits the ground it seems to work fine with impact damage turned on.

Any ideas on why this might not be working?

Hi Burnrate,

I’ve moved this out of Bug Reports since this isn’t a bug that I can see, just probably something in your setup.

Can you post more details setup and a screen shot of your Event Graph for the Blueprint?

Some things I’ll need to offer some feedback:

  • Are you scaling the Destrucitble or have you scaled the destructible?
  • Have you tried replacing the mesh with something like the basic cube asset provided in the Engine Content folder? If so, does it act in the same behavior?
  • Have you tried using lower values for your Apply Radius Damage node? Those are some extremely high values that depending on your setup in BP I would expect this kind of force to happen.

Thank you!


Sorry for the category mis-assignment! I thought I had destructible meshes down :slight_smile:

I am not scaling the source mesh or the destructible mesh.

I have placed the engine DM demo cube and it works as expected.

I have tried lower values for the apply radius damage node. Anything lower really and the DM doesn’t react at all.

If I use the DM in a gravity environment and it hits the ground it breaks apart just fine. It appears that the mesh is breaking apart but then all the pieces just freeze in place even if I have fracture impulse being used.

This video shows the mesh hitting a wall due to gravity without any damage or radius damage being applied (impact damage is enabled). Sometimes it just appears to do nothing but other times it will break apart and then freeze. Maybe it just freezes sooner when it appears not to break?

I have also tried to hit the mesh with something after the initial fracture and the pieces will move around again but then stop again like they are going to sleep.

I think that was it. The pieces were insta sleeping. On the DM of the actor I set the Sleep Family to Custom and for the Custom Sleep Threshold Multiplier I set it to 0.0.

It seems to have fixed everything.

Still has problems. It will break and move and take damage and move from radius force applications but then most of the chunks just float through things. I’ve never had any of these problems working with DMs before.

I have tried working with the individual chunk parameters. All the settings in the DM and the large chunk threshold in the the DM Component. Also the position and velocity solver iterations counts, physics settings, collision settings.