Plz Help I Try Cover System and I Want To Impliment This Effect

How Can i Achieve that Kind Of Green Animate Icon which show me Player can cover there

This is the Effect

This would depend on the particular nature of your existing cover system. Since you didn’t ask about creating the cover system itself, I’ll assume you’ve already done that bit. I’ll further assume that your cover system is blueprint-based and that you have a blueprint at each ‘cover point’. These assumptions make things a bit simpler. If your cover system is different, describe the differences in a comment to this post and I will adjust my explanation accordingly.

So, what I’d do is I’d make a widget component parented to a billboard component and add it to the blueprint for my cover. The billboard component could be moved wherever I needed within the instance of my cover object.

Then, in my PC character’s blueprint, I’d make a few functions to loop through all nearby sources of cover. I’d then set the billboard component and its children on the blueprint to be visible based on the dot product of the forward vector of my third-person camera compared to the normalized location of the widget minus the world location of the third-person camera and whether it exceeds a particular threshold value. For the threshold, I’d start with about 0.80 and adjust from there. It might be wise to make this into a local variable to aid experimentation.

I would now have a function that looks something like this (click for slightly larger view, or grab a magnifying glass):

The difficult part is over. Now, I need to create functions to add or remove each blueprint cover object to an array based on proximity. This is how I’d populate the “Available Cover” array, above. This would be tied to a trigger on the blueprint itself which would run the proper function on begin/end overlap. I’d need an Event Tick to constantly run the above function and determine the best source of cover. Once I had that part working, I’d also cast a ray to make sure that the object I was targeting wasn’t behind some wall. After all, if there’s a solid wall between my character and the cover, I don’t want to display an icon. That’d be embarrassing!

I could then bind a function to the nearest source of cover to cause my character to automatically path to and use that cover upon a button press, or I could leave it as is and allow the player to manually walk over to the cover and press a key to take cover. I’d probably just leave it as is and have a separate trigger to allow characters to activate the cover when they are nearby. I believe that control over the character should be kept in the player’s hands as much as possible. If your game relies on moving from cover to cover, you might want the character to automatically path. In such a case, you might use a spline to define an optimal pathway for the character to take.

There are several other ways to do this, of course:
If you want to show all available sources of cover, then you can simply loop through all cover in proximity, raytrace to them and set the widget to be visible based on whether they’re in range. This would just show the icon on every cover blueprint in range rather than the most accessible one. If you’re designing a multiplayer game, then there’s obviously things that you’ll need to change for multiplayer. You should also add in checks to hide the billboard if someone is already taking cover in that location, particularly if enemy AI or other players can take cover. The explanation above only provides an extremely basic foundation. It is not a complete step-by-step tutorial that covers every possible circumstance of every possible blueprint-based cover system.


I’ve added this section to caution anyone who decides to scroll past everything in hopes of finding an easy answer.
They’re not going to find one. It doesn’t exist. That was the simplified explanation.

If any of that stuff sounded complicated, that’s because it kinda is.

One does not simply recreate a system from a high-budget video game developed by a major studio without having some understanding of vector mathematics.

Otherwise, If anyone has specific, directed questions about any of the above, feel free to ask me in a comment reply!

Create the effect, various ways of doing this. Look into fixing crosshair problems to determine trajectory and hit point of the crosshair from camera view point.

[player]->->->->-view from crosshair->->->->->-[object]
…->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>play animation