Lighting skeletal mesh with indirect lighting cache in fully statically lit scene

I have a animated skeletal mesh (curtain blowing in wind) it does not seem to be lit by the indirect lighting cache is this a known bug or am I missing something? My scene is entirley lit by static lighting which is why the curtains are black after building the lights although I thought the indirect lighting cache was responsible for lighting skeletal and moveable meshes in this kind of situation.

HI JonC,

The Indirect Lighting Cache will use a placed sample to light the movable actor/skeletal mesh, but this does not cast a light or shadow. I’m not sure if that is what you were expecting to happen or not. You can place more samples to provide better ILC shading results (World Settings > Lightmass > Volume Lighting Sample Placement).

If I’ve misread, would you mind posting a screen shot of the basic issue in your scene, a screenshot with the sample placement enabled in the view port ( Show > Visualize > Volume Lighting Samples).

Thank you!
