[Bug] 4.11 Crash on editor shutdown


I’d like to report a bug (at least I think it’s a bug). I’ve tried reinstalling UnrealEngine several times (the Engine source that is), but every time I try to close the Editor It crashes with:

Critical error: Assertion failed: IsValid() [File:D:\Game_Projects\GitHub\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Templates\SharedPointer.h] [Line: 728]

This occures when I open some Editor windows for assets (eg. blueprints), close them, then close the base editor.

In Visual Studio I see this:

In \Engine\Source\Runtime\SlateCore\Public\Application\SlateApplicationBase.h:

Here, CurrentBaseApplication is Null, and if I let it continue, it forces me to stop it manually, because it gets stuck in a loop.

I hope it’s something that can be fixed soon, it’s a bit frustrating…

UPDATE:I’ve found where the Get() function gets called, maybe it’s going to be more help:

In \Engine\Source\Runtime\SlateCore\Private\Widgets\SWidget.cpp:

UPDATE 2: It actually only happens when I open the widget editor, any other asset editor doesn’t actually crash it.

So to be exact:

When I close the Unreal Engine Editor it crashes, but only if I opened a widget blueprint inside the Editor.

I am also experiencing this issue. It has driven me crazy since I started a brand new project and thought something got messed up in my Blueprints. So I rebuilt them one by one and checked each Blueprint with several starts and closes of the editor.

As far as I can tell for now, it’s always happening if you open an UMG Editor window during your work in the Unreal Editor 4.11. There are also some warnings present:

At editor start up:

Warning: No registered external profiler was matched with a command-line switch (or the DLL could not be loaded). External profiling features will not be available.

Each time an UMG Editor gets opened or closed

Warning: Cannot spawn tab because no spawner is registered for ‘BlueprintProfiler’

Hi Anvolne,

We recently came across this same issue internally, and have a ticket in place to investigate the issue (UE-24783). I have updated the ticket with the additional information you have provided.