Skylight not working with UE 4.1

I just upgraded my project to 4.1 and no longer have indirect lighting on my static meshes…(including the starter models). The skylight was working fine before, but now anything other than BSP just wont respond to skylights. Anybody else have this problem or maybe I’m missing something?

For me it works with static meshes, but not with movable/dynamic static meshes. It worked before, so yes, it seems to be broken.

I have also the problem.

Did you try turning CastShadows off for your SkyLight ?
I had what seemed to be the same problem with my SkyLight. I turned off Cast Shadows and it worked as it did before, it seems to have been set to true by default.

MrNexy thanks! that was it thanks!

Glad I could help :slight_smile:

That is very true ! :slight_smile:

The issue is fixed thanks to MrNexy pointing it out. But I figured I may aswell add that when you build lightmaps you should turn Cast Shadows back on, as your lighting wont look correct without shadows.

thx you :slight_smile:

Hi Everyone,

Not sure if it’s just me, but this skylight problem seems to be happening again. I downloaded 4.4.0 last night and ever since then any new scene I create using this version or any previous versions of UE4 I had will not show the skylight’s effects. Here were my steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new empty map scene.
  2. Place an object (any static mesh). You can see it due to the default lighting on a new map still.
  3. Drag in a brand new skylight.
  4. Scene will turn black. Turning Cast Shadows on or off, and baking with either option turned on will not do anything.
  5. Result: It’s as if the skylight is not there.

Can anyone help? Here’s a picture. Thanks for your time!!

Thanks DasMatze! I pulled in a BP_Sky_Sphere first, and then was able to drag in the Sky Light after which then worked on lighting my meshes.

It appears to me you need the Sky Sphere Blueprint for the skylight to work.

Thanksssssss MrNexy. Your solution saved my day. I had weird shadows and dark interiors in my room and I looked everywhere for the solution.It was driving me crazy for two days.This CastShadow option should be unchecked by default.