Selecting and deselecting in certain order makes objects not able to be unselected ever again until restart

If I shift select multiple objects at the same time… then hide them but keep them selected, then shift select another object… and possibly throw in a couple of undos and reselecting somewhere in that order of events while attempting to keep things selected still… eventually I am unable to unselect those objects unless i restart the editor and reload the scene… Just thought i would point that out.

Hi ,

I was unable to recreate this in UE4.10.1. When I had multiple objects selected and chose “Hide Selected,” the objects would become deselected in the World Outliner. Have you tried this in 4.10.1? If so, could you list the steps precisely in order so that I can recreate the issue on our end?



Yes, and i have reproduced it many times on my end. I would select multiple things in the scene. Click the eyeball button next to them that hides all that is selected. I probably selected a few by ctrl clicking around to add to the selection, periodically i would click the eyeballs some more to view/hideall to see what exactly is left to select… then i may have hit the undo button while selecting and may have did redo… undo… and eventually although i thought it was unselected i noticed my arrow indicator for my models wwere all in the wrong place referencing another models selection… there in the outliner list of object i saw that they were selected and unable to be deselected by hitting escape like i normally did. There was no yellow selection outline in the 3d view for these objects… it was simply stuck on selection in the outliner…

I honestly just did it again after I got your message jsut to test… its reproduceable… i just dont know what order is making it hapepn… hiding and unhiding thing… utilizing unto to regain your selection after you already unselected the group after it was invisible to start with, but u wanted to make that group visible again so you went through a bunch of undos until u have that selection again… make it visible… and suddenly u cant deselect it after its visible… escape wont work and clickong on other actors only adds to the selection.

I am on 4.10.1 as well.

Thanks for clarifying how you are able to select various objects and hide them while keeping them selected. I am testing this in a New Blank Blueprint Project, including Starter Content, and opening the Starter Map in the Content Browser (This allows for a large variety of things to select). Please see if you can reproduce the issue in this map so that we are comparing “apples to apples.”

Also, please send/attach a copy of your dxdiag. -Thanks!

Hi ,

Since we have not heard back from you in a while, we are closing this post for tracking purposes. However, if you are still experiencing an issue with objects not being able to be unselected please provide repro steps in a new Blank Blueprint project (Including the Starter Content) and opening the “Starter Map” in the Content Browser in UE4.10.

