Blueprint pawn movement

Hi all, I am fairly new to UE4 and coming from Unity so I can get my head around things in script but I am struggling to get my head around BP.

I would like to achieve the affect of a pawn moving down screen at a constant rate, whilst rotating around its own axis with a randomised side to side ping pong movement.

If that did not make sense, I want the side to side movement from the power ups in this video tutorial: Using BP Components for Game Behaviour | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube
and the rotation of the powerups in this tutorial: Endless Runner: Adding Pickup Items | 04 | v4.7 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube

I am making a small shmup like in the first video I linked, this is really just a learning exercise, but I know this is possible and I am guessing I just don’t know the names of the blueprint language I should be looking at.

So far I have this

to move the enemy down screen and is working fine. But if I try any of the rotation or side movement everything starts moving around bizarre axis, I would post screens of my attempts to show I am not just begging for someone to finish my work, but I fear I am so far off the mark it would be better to just learn it the correct way from someone :D.

Thanks in advance, I appreciate your time.

Nice, thanks for the quick reply, I shall give that a try now.

I’d try looking into using a timeline. You could handle location and rotation each with their own vector track, easily loop if needed. Then you feed those into a SetLocationAndRotation node on the Update exec pin.