Grid settings from 3dsmax to UE4

Hello All

Would someone be able to help me, essentially i want my grid settings to match UE4 as in this video :

He uses Maya LT but i want to replicate this in Max.

Hi MarkofJey,

You can go to the Menu Bar > Customize > Units Setup and change the units to Metric > centimeters.

Then click OK to save that.

Then in the toolbar right-click on the Snaps Toggle Button. This will bring up a new window with Grid and Snap Settings. Click on the Home Grid tab. There you will see the option for Grid Spacing. By default this will be set to 25.4 cm. I typically work off a 10cm grid so I put 10 in for my grid spacing, but you can use whatever grid spacing value you like here.

The only other thing you need to be aware of is when you export your model you will need to make sure that under the Advanced Options > Units section you uncheck automatic and then set the option for Scene Units Converted To and select Centimeters. Otherwise it will use the default export of inches even though you just created all your assets using metric centimeters.

I hope this helps.
