[UMG] Can't get UI to display while using a CameraActor viewing an active scene.

Hi there!

I’ve been trying for the better part of a day now to figure out why I can’t get my MainMenu widget to display through a CameraActor view of a live scene for my Android Mobile proof of concept. Seems like it should be pretty straight forward but I’m missing something for sure and could definitely use some guidance as to how to fix what I’m doing wrong…

Here’s my main menu. Very basic logic tied to the buttons - one loads a test gameplay map (different from this current level), the other executes a console command to quit.

Next is the view that the camera sees when I launch the game. It is an empty level with no spawn points and a single camera actor set to Auto Activate for Player 0. Ideally the Main Menu UI should be overlaid on top of this.

Here are those settings for the camera that I mentioned, in the event it might help resolve my issue. It’s just a standard CameraActor, nothing fancy about it beyond deviating from the defaults a little.

And finally, here is my Level Blueprint which should be calling the MainMenu widget and rendering it to screen, along with enabling the cursor to interact with it. However, since this project is for Android Mobile, I’m not sure if that last step is necessary?

I should probably also mention some other specifics that will hopefully aid in solving this problem, like the fact that this is a TopDown Blueprint project with Starter Content, including some sound FX and animations imported from the Content Examples and First-Person Shooter starter projects.

The ‘Main’ level that loads on default is devoid of any spawn points or player characters - it’s simply level geometry - just BSP, Static Meshes, Point Lights, Particle Systems, a Directional Light, a Sky Dome, and one CameraActor.

The ‘Start Game’ button should open another level (called ‘Level_02A’), and the ‘Exit Game’ button runs the console command ‘quit’. In the World Settings the ‘GameMode Override’ is set to the default ‘TopDownGameMode’, and ‘DefaultPawnClass’ is set to ‘Character’ instead of the actual player object which I’ve named ‘HeroCharacter’.

Obviously, if there is any missing information that you guys need to help me figure out this problem don’t hesitate to ask, and I greatly appreciate the help.

So what do you think guys and gals? Easy fix, or hopeless endeavor?


Looking at the level blueprint, is there any particular reason you have decided to use the Add to Player Screen node instead of the Add to Viewport node? If not, then go ahead and try using the Add to Viewport node instead and see if that makes a difference. Let me know how it works out.

Upside: It works! I can see my menu, click buttons, and launch levels or quit the game! Thank you!

Downside: It’s broken! For some reason I can’t control my character once I launch a new level.

Details: So far I’ve tried stripping out the ShowMouseCursor Boolean settings and I’m not using any ‘Set Input Mode’ for Game/UI… so not sure how I lost control of my character…

Are you possessing the character once you begin the new level? If not, this could be why you are not able to control the character.