Where do my click events go?

Hi guys,

I’ve got a problem here with my board game… I’ve got a stack of items in a board game that I’m developing. The items are placed on the board by clicking on them and moving them on the board. The item actor’s blueprint reacts on an ActorOnClicked event by taking the clicked item from the stack and attaching it to the mouse cursor. That pretty much works like a charm… however…

My problem is: all items on the stack do what they are supposed to do - all but the lowest two on the stack. They don’t receive the click event for some reason. It looks like the click event is caught by something else on the way from the mouse cursor to the item.

I’d like to know if there’s a way to figure out what kind of “steals” the click event before it reaches the item blueprint. A log or something that tells me where the click hit took place and which item caught it.

Thanks a lot!

Are you sure that the last 2 items even exists as entities that can be clicked on?

Your click event might not be occurring because there isnt anything there to click on as far as the Engine is concerned.

Double check how you are removing the items from the stack to ensure that your not removing more than you should in a single click and that you can verify that there definitely is still 2 items left there that should be clickable.

Yepp, I’m sure. They are actors that get generated during the BeginPlay event. A mouse over event does fire as well. It updates a HUD text which shows the name of the object under the cursor. And it’s the topmost of the two items. Only the click event does not fire on the object.

I’ve encountered another strange behavior. There are items that are taller than others. With these taller items the click events are working, although only at the higher parts of the items. At some point, some unknown but certain height, the click events just stop working. It seems as if there was some other box like collider that the items stick in. Taller items have parts that stick out of the box, and thus are clickable. Smaller items seem to completely vanish in this invisible box and don’t get the click event… I don’t know however why the mouse over events still work, even on those items that are not clickable anymore.

It’s weird…