How can I get a list of keys bound to a specific action?

I’m trying to tell the user which key to press to complete an action, though I would like it to be accurate to the keybindings.

How would I go about getting a list of keys bound to an action map in c++ (or blueprint if possible), and is there an existing function to get a friendly name for that key?

// Maybe something like this:

TArray<FName> GetKeysBoundToAction(FName actionName)

You can get a list of the keys mapped to an action by calling GetKeysForAction on the PlayerInput.
This gives you a list of FInputActionKeyMapping which contains an FKey. FKey has a function GetDisplayName that will give you the localized friendly name of the key. If the mapping has a modifier there isn’t currently anything to nicely make the Ctrl-A style display, I’ll make a note of looking at adding something like that.

Edit: Also, to answer another part of your question. This is not currently exposed to Blueprints. I will also make a note to think about the right way to do so.

Oh that works beautifully, thank you

Hi Marc,
Do you know if this has been implemented in Blueprints yet?

Thank you

I’d also like to know if there are any plans on adding this implementation to blueprints?

Any updates on this function for blueprints yet?

For anyone reading this in the future, here is how you do the above answer in Blueprints. I did this in a Widget on 4.24.3. Just note that you may want to do something to handle the array of keys you get back. I am in prototype phase so this isn’t a major concern of mine.

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it returns the input mapping name, not the keyboard key