How to make a scrolling camera?

I want to make a scrolling camera like you see in shmups, but I don’t see any blueprint actions that allow you to update the camera’s location.

Sorry, I must be more lost than I thought. I have a camera component in my Pawn, but it is an object’CameraComponent’ type so it’s not compatible with Set Location. How can I get a reference to my camera actor in blueprint?

Just like with many other actors, use Set Location function, with the camera actor as the Target. For side scrolling results, call that Set Location every Tick and to have the camera aligned to the player use Make Vector function and input your character or pawn’s Y and Z values there, and a fixed X you want for the zoom (or something variable to zoom in and out depending on the circumstances).

“Set World Location” and a few other functions should work for “CameraComponent” types.