How to call a function from level blueprint inside c++?


How to call a function from level blueprint inside c++?

I have function in level blueprint:

And C++ code:


	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Menu)
	static void CallTimeUpMenuFunction(AActor* actor);


void AGHTimer::TimerBody()

	if (AGHTimer::Time == 0)

void AGHTimer::CallTimeUpMenuFunction(AActor* actor)

	FOutputDeviceNull ar;
	actor->GetLevel()->CallFunctionByNameWithArguments(TEXT("ShowTimeUpMenu"), ar, NULL, true);

And this doesn’t work. Menu not showing :frowning:
What is the problem?

In case you are still looking for an answer to this question; you have to call the function in the levelscriptactor within the level, not the level itself. Something like this:

actor->GetLevel()->GetLevelScriptActor()->CallFunctionByNameWithArguments(TEXT("ShowTimeUpMenu"), ar, NULL, true);