How to create the AI of a pong ball using blueprints?

Check out the Rolling Ball sample project files coming with 4.1, possibly there’s something there (physical behaviour stuff) that you find useful, I haven’t checked it out yet.

Hi ,

Just wondering how to create a pong ball blueprint class.



i want some help in the AI of the ball.


Hi How to add the speed to the ball in the rolling template?


Haven’t checked the template yet, but check out “Add Velocity” function.

How to find ball collision event.

In its blueprint use “Begin Overlap” or “Hit” depending on what kind of collision you want; change the type or check it in the “Collision” section of the blueprint “Defaults”.

Hi I found that when the ball is at high velocity it goes through meshes without overlapping… How to solve it?

You could make the meshes bigger, and if you don’t want them visibly bigger you could make them transparent or hide them.

I tired it but didn’t work.