Opening old 4.0.2 projects in 4.1.0

I just upgraded to 4.1.0, and I don’t see any of my old projects available to open when launching (all C++ based). I did the following steps as suggested in the release notes:

  1. Right click .uproject file and select “switch unreal engine version…” → 4.1…OK

  2. Right click .uproject file and generate Visual Studio project files

  3. Recompile the solution

Still no luck. Anything else needed to be able to open/access my old 4.0.2 projects? The only ones I see listed are the stock Unreal samples. Thanks in advance!


when editor opens and you can choose a project

click the browse button

then you can select your project

and click the button to always open previous project

and you should be good



Haha, well that was easy. Thanks, Rama!