Talking between Two Class Blueprints

Hello there,

I am attempting to use Blueprints to open two doors which are right next to each other.

They both have their own Class Blueprint which dictates the logic of whether that half of the gate is either open or closed and thus should play the Timeline animation from Play from Start or Reverse from End and then set the Boolean variable as IsActive (Open gate door essentially)

What I am trying to do is use the same trigger volume that is attached to the Right Gate (with Blueprints) to also trigger the animation and logic for the Left Gate so that they both move in unison with the same input (E in this case)

This is my first attempt with Class Blueprints so my usual line of thinking is with Kismet where everything could be done with one Level Kismet per say.

Many thanks in advance, I understand a response will not be available quickly because it is the holiday season.

Here is a screenshot of the logic involved. There is simply a Delay Node and a Set InMotion to False Node after the Set Actor Relative Rotation Node.

Reference the other gate with a public variable and run the events on it.
