Grouping Variables

Assuming I have serveral same type Variables, Is there anyway to group them into only one variable to save time connecting node to node? It’s also helpful as it can represent for a category I want to use than searching dozens of variables for sure.

Hi man , Sure!
You can build up a struct !
In the editor instead a blueprint, check for struct . You can fill your struct with Booleans and Vectors and stuff.
Lets say you build up a Struct named “SHAPE” with your X,Y,Z. Weight…
In the actor you need , create a variable of type Shape.

Hi, thanks for your answer! But when you say “In the editor instead a blueprint, check for struct” where is the struct? I googled and googled but only found answers on how to do it with C++.

Finally found it in Content browser :), but the next problem is how to connect struct Variable to input node? It says the output is not compatible I

hi man ,
Lets say your “MY-Struct” contain a boolean and a reference to a actor and a float, and sure a reference to a widget.

There are two thing to say.
If you have custom function or event. you can pass as input a “My-struct” so when you call the function you can pin in struct. THEN in the function you can take the pin and “BREAK” it. to get the right variable you need.

So you cant connect a struct to a target widget, because these two thing are not the same.
Even if in the struct there is a reference to a widget , unreal will not check for you.
SO you simpli take the struct and search for the "Break "struct . this will give you the expanded node of your struct.
From where you can pin the widget or the float or the boolen .

Hi, thanks again! With your rep, I know ‘struct’ used to contain a variety of different types of data. But it doesnt act as a representative for them. I still have to break it into individuals to connect node-to-node.
By the way, I used an “Array” node instead and it worked! So simple that I guess I should learn more about nodes :). Thank you very much for your answer anw!