How to find all Cameras in PIE with C++

Hi everyone, I’m trying to get the existent camera that I have set up in the PIE using C++ programming but I can’t seem to find it or obtain it in anyway.

So I wanted to verify if there is anyway to obtain this camera without the use of a blueprint or any and all cameras in the editor, by name or simply all of them.

Thank you.

Also whenever I play in the PIE I see that it creates a lot of extra classes, which I have enclosed in Red in the photo

And whenever I un-comment the part which is enclosed in Red the editor crashes, so I wanted to ask about it since I want to find a way to avoid the instance of said classes.

Hi everyone, I was finally able to find how to solve this problem.

First of all the way to get the actor be it by name and class is using the info in this link:
Actor Iterators or with the answer found here: C++ Find Specific Actor in Scene

and for the Second question is that instead of using:

PlayerControllerClass = AInputManager::Instance()->StaticClass();

I should have used:

PlayerControllerClass = AInputManager::Instance()->GetClass();

This is because StaticClass return a static instance of the class and I’m already using a singleton so it was absurd to get a static from a already static class.

Hope this helps someone in the future and I would like some comments on whatever you guys think I might be doing wrong.

Thank you.