How do I get the rotation of a blueprint in the level?

Hello! I need a little help here. I started creating a simple door blueprint with a opening action and it works good but when I rotate the door in the level it rotate bad because i just had a Timeline connected to the set relative rotation.
Like this.

So I had an idea. I create a Rotator Variable called Rotacion Inicial, get the world location and set the Rotacion Inicial by a Event Begin Play. So i’ll don’t have any problem if the door is rotated in the level.

But it doesn’t work. The problem is that the Rotation Variable Z (Yaw) Is always 0 cause the Get World Location get the Static Mesh Location in the Blueprint not in the level. So How do I get the world rotation of the doors in the level to set it in my Rotation variable in the BP.
Thanks For your Time!

i use the timeline to make an alpha value and lerp between the two rotations i want.

i just take a look in the viewport to work out the two rotator values i want to lerp between