Light source inside a object?

It’s a bit hard to explain, so here is image of what I have done:


The outer sphere is partially transparent and uses emissive color, inside it there is a smaller non transparent sphere and a point light source inside it. I tried to use the emissive color to light the scene and cast shadows, but no luck (maybe I did something wrong?) Then, I have added a point light and looks like the inner sphere is blocking the light from the point light source.Ow, …this is a movable object,

How can I get a movable sphere which will be able to light objects near it and cast shadows? Should I just add some large amount of light sources around the sphere?

Thanks for your reply! Actually the problem was because of “double sided” material on the inner sphere :slight_smile: I’ll mark your’s answer as correct one, because the things you have suggested helped me to make the light more realistic :slight_smile:

Emissive materials do not illuminate the scene in UE4 (this would require global illumination, GI, which is an incomplete high-end feature). Your best bet to achieve this effect is to use a point light within your mesh, like you described.

Try and see if ‘Cast Shadows’ is disabled for your EnergyCell meshes. If there is a light source inside of a mesh that is set to cast shadows, then that light source will probably be invisible to the rest of the scene or have lighting artifacts, because the mesh around it is blocking it.

Also, if you are placing a light source to intersect or be inside of a mesh, make sure the light source radius property is set to 0, otherwise you will see lots of lighting artifacts.

You should also increase the light source parameter ‘Min Roughness’ to a number like 0.9. This will help make your point light source look like it is larger and softer.