Adding Velocity/Impuls while in Root Motion

Hey is there a way to add Velocity or an Impuls to a Character while he`s in a Root Motion?

Background: Root Motioned slide attack which is very slow. I want my Character to slide at a faster speed during that animation.

Hi There

Did you try to use the Launch Character node?
Here is an example:

and here is the result: - YouTube
When I press “V” the character is launched forward (as default it uses the velocity to play the Run animation, but you can do it with any animation)

Hi there.

Well all that works well as long as the Animation you are in is not Root Animation. And theres my Problem. The Root Animation overwrites the Player inputs, the launch Character (tried that) or add/set Velocity (tried that too). Now i want to know if theres a way to change that ^^

Well, it seems to work to me on all my animations, with or without root motion, Do you have any video of your animation?

Did it work this way?

No i haven`t :frowning:
But i tried your code and these are the results:
Apply launch without Animation → Works perfectly fine
Apply launch before triggering the rooted animation → launch gets interrupted as soon as the rooted animation kicks in
Apply launch during rooted Animation plays → Nothing… i mean really nothing happens.

Was really frustrating, so i do it another way now:
Created Montage → Set it to a full body Slot → Launch Character → Play Montage.

Yep it does, but it didnt answers my Question XD

I have the same problem - how to add impulse to character with root motion animation?

You adjust the animation to happen faster. Root motion animations mean that you’re handling the motion of the character inside the animation. So if you want your character to dash faster, you need to speed up the play rate of the animation or adjust the distance the root bone moves in the keyframes. Changing the play rate is much easier, but it changes the speed of the entire animation, whereas if you only want adjust a portion of an animation (like the beginning, or middle) then you’ll have to adjust the key frames. You also get precise control over the distance the character will travel by adjusting the key frames. If you want the dash to move the player 4,000 units, then you just have the root bone move 4000 units down X. The number of frames will determine the speed. So if he moves from 0 to 4,000 in X in 10 frames, it’ll be really fast. If you do it in 100 frames, it will be much slower.

I found out the solution, use AddActorWorldOffset instead of AddVelocity/Impulse. this works for me to control the knock back distance of my character.

Any effect applied directly to the root bone will result in the character capsule sweeping along with the root bone.