Enumerate Maps in Folder with Blueprints

Is there a good way to enumerate the umap files in a directory under /Game/?/ ?

I’d like to make a menu that lists all the umaps available under a folder for loading with tokenised text labels so that I don’t have to update the menu whenever the maps change.


I found an old solution and modified it a bit:

TArray<FString> UMenuUtilitiesLibrary::GetAllMapNamesInDirectory(FString directory) {
    auto ObjectLibrary = UObjectLibrary::CreateLibrary(UWorld::StaticClass(), false, true);
    TArray<FAssetData> AssetDatas;
    TArray<FString> Names = TArray<FString>();

    for (int32 i = 0; i < AssetDatas.Num(); ++i)
        FAssetData& AssetData = AssetDatas[i];
        auto name = AssetData.AssetName.ToString();
    return Names;

Original code: List all maps in project or directory - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

I will update this answer with the Blueprints to generate the buttons shortly.