Could I get some clarification about creating timers?

You have to use something of the following to access time manager instance:


I need help in making a timer work.

	if (bIsFiring == 0)
		bIsFiring = 1;
		GetWorldTimeManager()::SetTimer(this, &AThridPCharacter::ShowOnScreen, 1.0f, true);


    void AThridPCharacter::ShowOnScreen()
    	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, FColor::Blue, TEXT("Start fire"));

This shows errors

1>D:\ue4\New folder\ThridP\Source\ThridP\ThridPCharacter.cpp(83): error C2143: syntax error : missing ‘;’ before ‘SetTimer’
1>D:\ue4\New folder\ThridP\Source\ThridP\ThridPCharacter.cpp(83): error C3861: ‘GetWorldTimeManager’: identifier not found
1>D:\ue4\New folder\ThridP\Source\ThridP\ThridPCharacter.cpp(83): error C2664: ‘UINT_PTR SetTimer(HWND,UINT_PTR,UINT,TIMERPROC)’ : cannot convert argument 1 from 'AThridPCharacter *const ’ to ‘HWND’

Do I need to use a delegate as a parameter in the timer function? I have never used delegates till now.

Sorry I mistyped it. I used GetWorldTimeManager().
Does a timer require a delegate as a parameter? I used a function as a parameter.

It’s actually GetWorldTimerManager(), typo on my side.

And it is used like this:


Ok it worked thanks. Why is it written as :: in the documentation?

Some other reasons or just plain error?

What is the reason “.” is used here instead of “::”? Sorry if i am asking too many questions I just want to know this language better. :slight_smile:

Copy-paste error i guess, copied reference from above and just replaced FTimeManager with getter function :slight_smile:

I’ve fixed the offending documentation, thanks for poingint this out.

In C++ :: is only used for calling static functions, that is to say functions that are not called on a specific instance of the class, but are, in essence, global functions.

GetWorldTimerManager() returns a reference to an instance of a timer manager, and so we use the . to indicate that we wish to call a function on it.

If GetWorldTimerManager() were to return a pointer we would use →

Ain’t C++ grand? :wink:

Thank you… I understood now. :slight_smile: