setting texture values no longer working

Had this plug-in working, then it just sort of stopped working. Near as I can figure, it fails at the API function call. Here’s an example of the code:

	if (Str.Contains(TEXT("brightness"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromEnd))
		float testFloat = FCString::Atof(*value);
		UE_LOG(ModuleLog, Warning, TEXT("Setting to %f"), testFloat);
		texture->AdjustBrightness = testFloat;

With texture being a public class variable

static UTexture2D* texture;

A similar function call for getting the value works file. Near as I can tell from various debugging efforts, I am entering the if statement and getting the float value correctly, but the call to AdjustBrightness is failing.

wanting to ping this again, I’m not getting any response.

Ironically, the ones that work the most reliably are the attributes that take an enum:

	else if (Str.Contains(TEXT("compressionSettings"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromEnd))
		TEnumAsByte< enum TextureCompressionSettings > temp(FCString::Atoi(*value));
		texture->CompressionSettings = temp;

But I used to be able to get this to work reliably and now cannot:

	if (Str.Contains(TEXT("brightness"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromEnd))
		float testFloat = FCString::Atof(*value);
		UE_LOG(ModuleLog, Warning, TEXT("Setting to %f"), testFloat);
		texture->AdjustBrightness = testFloat;

Log statement tells me I’m entering the if statement correctly and getting the float value correctly, but the brightness value of my texture fails to set properly