SM joints 'jolt' when using a physics asset duplicated from another SM

Hi Epic/Community,

I have a strange issue with skeletal mesh’s physics assets.

I have 2 skeletal meshes, both deriving off of the Epic Manequin.

Steps to reproduce: Create a physics asset for the first skeletal meshes, duplicate it then apply it to the second skeletal mesh

What happens: joints location of the second skeletal mesh jump to the translation of the first skeletal mesh!

What should happen: joint translations should stay in original location.

My current work around: create physics assets from scratch each time (not via a duplication)

This is more of a bug report, as my current workaround works nicely, but it would be nice to have a proper fix.



Hello Minxies,

Thank you for this bug report. I’m not quite sure I understand where the error is. When you mention that the “joints location of the second skeletal mesh jump to the translation of the first mesh”, do you mean that you’re seeing it change in Persona when editing the Mesh / Skeleton or when you open the PHAT that you duplicated?

We haven’t heard from you in a while, Minxies. Are you still experiencing this issue? Could you explain exactly where you see the issue as per my previous comment? In the meantime, I’ll be marking this issue as resolved for tracking purposes.