How can I resolve the compile error - Assertion failed: FPaths::FileExists?

Hi All,

I’ve recently pulled 4.1 from GitHub and I’m getting the following error when trying to compile the engine:

appError called: Assertion failed: FPaths::FileExists(DataDirectory / TEXT(“icudt51l.dat”)) [File:C:\UE4\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Internationalization\Internationalization.cpp] [Line: 188] C:\UE4\UnrealEngine\Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\LogWindows UE4

I did download and apply the required files for 4.1. Any ideas on how to solve this would be appreciated.


My mistake - seems like the file copier crashed whilst copying over the required content. Engine compiles perfectly fine after recopying required files.

Thanks, I had the same error…
looks like I might have to redownload the required zip’s though…