In game Features like Doom 4

I wanted to ask that how can one implement functions of Doom 4 that we saw in its E3 trailer especially like Grabbing
a head and breaking it and taking a leg and crushing it apart and features like that, even if we make animations like it, how can it be implemented but do tell me everything about these features including animations.Please help me soon!


based on the E3 demo, you can see that when you shoot at the enemy and based on the amont of damage taken, part(s) of the enemy body will be highlighted. We may assume that the interaction being setup is linked to which body part is highlighted (which animation or set of animations are being played based on that body part).
There is no straightforward answer to your question about how to implement it in UE4 because there are many ways to achieve it. Do you plan to do it in C++? Blueprints? Both? I presume that you are quite new to UE4?

That pretty stright forward, treating this as cutscene triggered by kill, because they are essentially effective kill cutscenes, whatever happens with rest of enemies and how damage is applied is secundery matter which you can balance out once you start testing

Thanx , I liked your idea of using a cutscene or a matinee sequence as we say in ue4.Your Answer is the best.