Matinee and actor ticking

I’m in beta5.

I’ve got a custom actor with a camera component. It has a property which affects the field of view.

When I modify that property through Matinee, I can see its value changing, but the FOV is stuck, although it’s working fine in the editor.

I removed the FOV track from my actor’s group, but it doesn’t make any difference.

Is a Matinee preventing any changes to the camera it’s tied to, except changes made by the matinee itself?

Also, slightly related question, is there an equivalent to PostEditChangeProperty() for when I scrub the timeline in Matinee? I can see my actor’s properties changing in the Details window, but there’s no callback to update what needs updating after that.

OK, found out that actors don’t tick when under Matinee control. I’ve seen that there is a MatineeInterface with an InterpolationChanged function, but when I try to implement it, I get a compiling error saying I can’t instantiate an abstract class.

Hi Cedric,

When you are trying to view FOV change, are you doing so by scrubbing the Matinee timeline, or by Playing in Editor? I ask because scrubbing is known to not update everything in the viewport.

I would be interested in seeing your Matinee setup and knowing how you are using the camera in game. Is this FOV change meant to occur during gameplay, or during a cinematic? (If it is for gameplay, you will probably want to consider using a Timeline in your actor Blueprint to drive the FOV)

Thanks for any additional information you can provide.

I tried both scrubbing and play in editor. The change is meant to happen during a cinematic. The matinee setup is quite simple, really:


View is a standard camera actor, and ActualCam is my custom actor. The FocalLength and FocusDistance are changing both when scrubbing and playing in editor, but as I understand it, nothing is notifying my custom actor that those properties have changed, so it can’t update the FOV (and other things) accordingly.

OK, ignore the compilation error mentioned above, that was me not knowing how to deal with pure virtual functions. I’ve switched to beta 6 and implemented MatineeInterface, but none of this interface’s functions seems to ever get called.

Right, I am nearly there.

I had to override The PostInterpChange function. The camera’s properties update as expected, but my actor’s components aren’t updating their location.

Hi Cedric,

Apologies for the delay during the holiday. Have you made progress or been able to overcome your issue? If you still have questions, just give us an update on the issue, and we will continue to try to find a solution for you.


Hi Stephen, thanks for getting back to me. As mentioned above, I solved the main issue by overriding PostInterpChange. I haven’t solved the component update problem, but went for a solution that doesn’t require those components.