Movement between linked points

Hi there!

I’ve started to toy around with making one of my homemade board games into a computer version, but I’ve sort of hit upon an obstacle I’m not sure how to best deal with. I’m having trouble limiting the movement of the player pieces. I want a movement system like this:


So, basically, I want both the player and enemy to be limited to move to navigation points along predetermined paths. I tried looking up how the TBS game blueprint worked but it seems very ‘married’ to its grid system. Currently I based the game on the Topdown blueprint, so it has the basic click-to-move part, I just want to limit the movement.

Does anybody have any suggestions on how I should go about doing this?

Hello ,

If you would like to have your character move from point to point I have provided a link below. Training Content Creator Ian Shadden walks us through getting up and running with AI in Unreal Engine! He shows how to do simple patrol AI including path finding using navigation meshes as well as simple Behavior Trees. I hope that this information helps.

Link: Basics of AI | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube

Make it a great day

Hi ,
Did you eventually get it done? I’m having the exact same problem and been watching the tutorial video linked below but it didn’t really cover this. If you managed to get it working I would be forever thankful for some screenshot of a working blueprint.