Problem w/ using Billboard material for candle smoke

I have made a blueprint containing a few components to make up a candle, flame, and smoke. I’m not quite sure what the best approach is to simulate the smoke rising from the candle, but at this time I am using an animated billboard which is positioned above the candle.

The problem is that that this only works when viewing the candle from the side- low or high angles cause the billboard to point up or down thus making the smoke originate from a strange point. What is the best solution to this problem?

Here are the possibilities I am considering:

  • restrict axis rotation of the billboard so that it only rotates about its Z axis (Don’t know how to do this)
  • use some means other than billboards to do display the animated smoke graphic

Could anyone point me in the right direction?

In case my words didn’t explain the situation well, here is a shot video demonstrating the problem: - YouTube

any solution yet?

I’m happy to share my solution with you, though I feel it was a pretty novice and messy way of doing it. I’ll probably need to optimize this in the future…

I made the smoke material with flipbook, Then I imported a simple plane geometry and positioned it vertically above the candle, and applied the smoke material to it.

The attached screenshot is how I got it to face the camera at all times with out tilting up or down.

See comment above.