Switchable character AI does not follow player controlled pawn

Hi. I am trying to implement a basic switchable character system as you might find in the lego games or something similar that switches the controlled pawn on a button press.

Currently I have overridden the default pawn in the gamemode with my own system that spawns two characters at a player start but I am having problems with having the secondary character follow the player controlled pawn. Some reason the AI only works if it is set to auto possess on spawn but this stops working as soon as I try switching the possession between the player controller and the AI controller.

I realized part of the problem was that if the AI isn’t set to autopossess the controller simply doesn’t spawn in the world so now I have it spawned inside the gamemode and set that to possess the characters as needed but still no movement happens.

Any help on this would be really appreciated, I have attached the gamemode script below for your viewing pleasure. :slight_smile:
