UE 4.10.2 Error launch Android - Please help

Please, I need help, I don´t know what else I can try to fix this error, I couldn´t find any help in , and I´m not skilled enough to find the error in the Output log

Thank you very much in adva[n][1]ce!

74296-unreal+4.10.2+log.txt (379 KB)

Hey ,

Could you please screenshot your Android SDK for me? Also, where did you get your version of the editor from the Epic Games Launcher or GitHub? Can you also try changing your Android API level to 19?


I fix it. In case anyone get the same error, I executed android.bat, in the folder C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools and then upgrade Android SDK.and the other modules of Android Studio (I can´t install Nvidia CodeWorks for Android in my work computer, don´t know why, proxy thing I guess).

, thank you for your post and help! :slight_smile: