I can't find "Foliage Default settings" menu

In this documentation, there is static mesh settings.

And it says change the “Foliage Default Settings” to “InstancedFoliageSettings.”

But I don’t have it. Ican’t find in my static mesh editor.

I use 4.9.2 editor.


Hi ,

That information seems to be a bit out of date as the process has changed from this. I’ve entered a ticket with UEDOC-2810 for this to be addressed and updated to the current workflow.

There is two different ways to go about using this functionality, which has now been moved to it’s own asset type rather than being embedded in the Static Mesh Editor.

  1. You can right click in the Foliage Tool on any asset you’ve already go there and select “Save as FoliageType”. This will create an asset in the Content Browser that has the same settings available in the foliage tool.

  2. If you want to setup everything before using the foliage tool, you can right-click in the Content Browser or select “Add New” and go to Miscellaneous > FoliageType. This will create the new asset and you can adjust the settings there.

This is all the same functionality that would have been present in the Static Mesh Editor. Now it has only been moved out to be its own asset that can be edited.

I hope this helps.


On 4.10.1 Foliage Type seems to be broken. Creating a new one opens a blank window with no properties. Creating one from a mesh seems to work as indicated by the thumbnail, but again editing the new type has no properties.


I’m not sure what to tell you with that one since I’m in 4.10.2 and I right-click > select Miscellaneous > Foliage Type and I get this window:

There isn’t a mesh assigned yet, but you should see settings like this. I don’t recall this being an issue with 4.10.1, but it may have been that I was just not aware of it.

Ah. Glad you’ve got it figured out. :wink:

Yea this was a bit of a derp moment. After seeing the same thing happen for physical materials I realized somehow the Details pane was turned off in multiple places, which was easily remedied.

OK! That is exactly same work right?
It seems work. thank you!