[Android Development Package] Exits on Startup after Splash Screen

Hi all,

I’ve tried to package (Android [All]) my android game in development mode and when i try it on my device it crashes after showing the splash screen. I try checking the logs but it seems that there’s no information to help me there. Here is the log of the game: [logs][1]

I really have no idea what happened here. Can someone help me figure this out?
Thanks in advance.

74865-jeepnoy.log (8.9 KB)


The logs provided state that your project is missing the .uproject: [2016.01.18-02.38.00:585][ 0]LogInit:Display: Project file not found: …/…/…/Jeepnoy/Jeepnoy.uproject

Do you have any other logs you could provide? The logs you sent seem to cut off so quickly. Also, is this occurring on any other project?

Thanks ,

That’s all the logs I found.

I tried to package it using Android [ETC1] and try it on my phone. Now it shows my Main Menu but after choosing New Game, it hangs and then exit. I try to run it on bluestacks and the game does not exits but runs very slowly. I’m wondering why it runs so slow because I set my engine scalability settings to low, resolution scale to 25%, material quality level to medium.

Please provide me the logs from your device when you’re running the project. In order to get those, please go to: C:\android-sdk-windows\tools and run Monitor.bat.

Make sure that you highlight the logs in order for them to save.

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!

When I try to run Monitor.bat, it exits. But I have the logs of the game when i run it in bluestacks. Here it is [Logs-Bluestacks][1]. And also the logs from my phone [Logs-Phone][2]. Thanks in advance!

75627-jeepnoy.log (44 KB)
[2]: 75628-jeepnoy.log (32.5 KB)

Reviewing your first logs, jeepnoy.log (45.1 kB) I see the following errors:

It looks as though your WidgetTree is not set up correctly, please revisit it and make the appropriate changes.

[2016.01.22-14.20.27:601][3648]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'WidgetTree': WidgetBlueprint /Script/UMGEditor.Default__WidgetBlueprint
[2016.01.22-14.20.27:621][3648]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'WidgetTree': WidgetBlueprint /Script/UMGEditor.Default__WidgetBlueprint
[2016.01.22-14.20.27:631][3648]LogLinker:Warning: CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'WidgetTree': WidgetBlueprint /Script/UMGEditor.Default__WidgetBlueprint

You also need to change your project name. It looks as though the alphabetical characters used are not supported. I did test out the name “храм” in many different versions of the engine and projects and I couldn’t reproduce this error.

[2016.01.22-14.20.27:951][3648]LogPackageName:Error: DoesPackageExist: DoesPackageExist FAILED: '/Game/MyAssets/Buildings/Church/храм' is not a standard unreal filename or a long path name. Reason: Name may not contain the following characters: ?

You also have a few meshes that are more than 65535 verticies, which will cause trouble on mobile devices. Please adjust these accordingly:

[2016.01.22-14.21.03:371][3648]LogStaticMesh:Warning: [building] Mesh has more that 65535 vertices, incompatible with mobile; forcing 16-bit (will probably cause rendering issues).
[2016.01.22-14.21.03:471][3648]LogStaticMesh:Warning: [buildingn16] Mesh has more that 65535 vertices, incompatible with mobile; forcing 16-bit (will probably cause rendering issues).
[2016.01.22-14.21.03:511][3648]LogStaticMesh:Warning: [Cafe_Outdoor_Table_Set] Mesh has more that 65535 vertices, incompatible with mobile; forcing 16-bit (will probably cause rendering issues).
[2016.01.22-14.21.03:691][3648]LogStaticMesh:Warning: [Philippine_Jeepney] Mesh has more that 65535 vertices, incompatible with mobile; forcing 16-bit (will probably cause rendering issues).

You’re also having trouble with the scaling selected, please adjust this if you’re able to:

[2016.01.22-14.21.06:601][3648]LogPrimitiveComponent: Zero scaling not supported (/Game/VehicleAdvBP/Maps/Level1.Level1:PersistentLevel.Cafe_Outdoor_Table_Set_31.StaticMeshComponent0)

Last but definitely not least, your game was unable to start an online game for session (Game). All of your characters are stuck and fail to move. You may want to look into your blueprints or coding a bit further and see what adjustments can be made to your characters and their online sessions.

Good luck!

Sorry for the late reply. Thanks a lot.