Client attempting to join server causes both viewports to close

I’ve set up a multiplayer game and the server opens as intended with ‘listen’ option to the session host. Using the multiplayer shooter (dual) example, I’ve opened the server list on player 2, and the server shows up on the client’s widget. I select the game to join, the loading screen opens on the client, and then both viewports close (players 1 and 2). the output log states Travel Error: Failed to load map package.

when testing the actually map (as opposed to loading a lobby first), both players are loaded into the server map as intended. in advanced options of viewport players, I’ve unchecked auto-connect to server for the lobby test, but doesn’t work in either case.

i’ve looked at a similar issue, but their solutions haven’t worked.
Similar Issue 01

Are you using the standalone PIE? Or active viewport?

standalone…so both viewports close…will check what happens with active viewport as player one and standalone as 2 and update this shortly

mixed up my window terminology…first was new editor window, so 2 windows opened. second try was with selected viewport, so only one additional window opened since one player is in the selected viewport. the third option was standalone, in which case only one application opened even though two players were called for in the play options. in advanced menu, I unchecked the auto-join server.

Wasn’t really able to solve it in existing, but migrating to new project and manually bringing new config files step by step (rather than overwriting with old ones and updating paths) got it to work. Another problem I had to fix (and this may have been the source of the issue) was the state changing logic in the game instance.