Packaging error only if 'for distribution' is checked

Hi. I am gonna ask about this problem in a new way.

before using ‘for distribution’ option i did the following things.

1- I first created a keystore and copied it where my project is in its Build\android file.

2- then I filled out the distribution signing options and I wrote the address : (where my project is Build\android\mykey.keystore for its key store section. and i did the other options right. and also i did other names and addresses for the first section . things like just (mykey.keystore) and just (keystore).

3-i filled out SDKconfig all right and used both ‘latest’ and ‘matchndk’ for SDK API Level.

4- i set build configuration to shipping.

so nothing seemed to be wrong till now it packaged my game completely right without any errors in out put log.

finally i ticked ‘for distribution’ check box. and nothing worked after that.

then i did the following things after i checked ‘for distribution’ check box.

1- i updated all tools from SDK manager.

2- i copied zipalign file to android-sdk-windows\tools as mentioned here

but it wont package the game only if ‘for distribution’ is checked.

so what is that specific tip to solve this problem except those i did .

and also there is an option named android package name in APKpackaging. i wrote my project name in place of [PROJECT]

and one more thing to say : when i setup androidwork it did not install Nsight tegra. and recommended me to unselect that.

hey finally i found the solution :)))) now i know the right order of doing things to get the right result :))))). i will prepare an answer and post :))))) finally i packaged for distribution :))))))