Spawning a Skeletal Mesh and using it in a Matinee sequence

I want to produce a matinee sequence with a number of characters that animate. Am I best to

  • add all the characters to the level hide them and then just add multiple skeleton tracks in matinee and unhide the actors at the appropriate point?
  • is there any way to reference a dynamically spawned skeletal mesh in matinee (event from matinee spawns actor in the level blueprint)?
  • is there a way of handling the multiple actors hiding / unhiding them, in a single blueprint, (so I can have a cutscene_1 blue print that can be placed in the level to keep things a bit tidier) I’d also need to be able to reference them from a matinee skeletal mesh track.

Thanks in advance.

add all the characters to the level hide them and then just add multiple skeleton tracks in matinee and unhide the actors at the appropriate point?

That’s the way with Matinee. Sequencer(future Matinee) may allow other possibilities. You can place your skeletal meshes in an actor BP then hide/unhide and play/stop animations using custom events. You just need an event track inside Matinee and create events and then use them to play the animations in Level BP by calling those custom events from the actor BP.